Mika Ozolina book has been published: - A self-analytical book about yourself, your life teachers and all of us. About the book - In the new book, Miks Ozoliņš completely openly analyzes what he has experienced in life. It describes romantic relationships and one-night stands as well as relationships with parents and friends, the ups and downs and the new highs that follow. "1001 Gurus is about the truest and best teachers in life," says the author. "I believe that any person who leaves a significant bouquet of emotions or a series of events in life, regardless of the time of acquaintance, is like a teacher. Children to parents and parents to children, husbands to wives and vice versa. This also applies to members of “failed” romantic relationships… It is very difficult when someone with whom you have had a particularly strong connection leaves your life, ending the relationship or passing away. - more about book: https://www.1001guru.com