"Mi:t&Links. Baltic PR Awards 2016" conference "Critical thinking. Man. Business. State" Take part yourself and recommend to the competitor! http://balticprawards.com/en/ Critical thinking has been chosen as the main theme of the conference because in the current global geopolitical situation it is a topical issue both in the Baltics and in the world.During the conference, critical thinking will be addressed comprehensively - from the viewpoint of government, businesses and individual. About Baltic PR Awards. The role of communication is growing at a fast pace. Technologies affect the development, and in modern-day communication it is difficult to set the limits. Baltic PR Awards, the most important communications event in the Baltic States for over 10 years, offers the greatest challenges for industry professionals. It is about competition, networking, meetings, exchange of views and awarding the best. The latest event will be held in accordance with the three in one concept embracing year’s most exciting conference on critical thinking, Baltic PR Awards competition and award ceremony. Baltic PR Awards 2016, which will take place in Riga, Latvia on Friday, February 26, 2016, has transformed from laying the emphasis on communication professionals to opinion leaders and strategically minded companies.