At the start we had two completely different briefs and came up with an idea of combining them together. A young and ambitious photographer ARTURS KONDRATS and a real estate developer promoting a new real estate project “Tal Residence”. They both had the same goals – to gain popularity and recognition. And with that the exhibition MOMENTUM was born. With zero budget but huge goals. MOMENTUM was created by taking portraits of 30 well-known Latvian celebrities and combining that with augmented reality so the portraits come to life. Using an app the visitors of the exhibition were able to scan the portraits, A video of that person then appeared on their screens telling a story about a moment in their lives. The story was not only told by the photos but also by people in those photos. This made MOMENTUM unique and the first exhibition to use AR technology in Latvia. MOMENTUM took storytelling to whole new level. Not only did the photos in exhibition came to life but also the posters on street and the postcards you sent and on internet. The MOMENTUM exhibition took place in the new real estate project “Tal Residence”. The goal was to promote and inform visitors about the new building in a fun and unique way. Taking a completely empty room and filling it up with stories and visitors. The official opening event was attended by 350 people. The total visitor count was 1200. At the opening night 10 of the largest media representatives in Latvia attended which created a huge aftermath in TV, Radio, online and magazines at cost. It was shown, mentioned and the photographer was invited on several TV programs such as “Evening with Renars Zeltins” on National Television, leading radio stations LR-4, SWH and many more. The MOMENTUM spread across the borders with NBA player Kristaps Porzingis and Top model Ginta Lapina who both shared and informed their followers. MOMENTUM has now become a traveling exhibition and has visited GORS.